One of the heaviest metals is lead, which is a very dense metal that is soft and malleable with a low melting point. While lead was more extensively used in the 19th and 20th centuries, it still has a place in the modern world. If you ever have to handle sheets of lead, here is some important information to bear in mind.
Wear Personal Protection Equipment
You should always wear PPE when working with lead sheeting. Gloves should be worn at all times and lead is very heavy, so industrial footwear is also advised. Touching lead with your bare skin is certainly not advised and you should always wash your hands thoroughly after handling lead, especially before eating.
Danger From Lead Dust
Those who work in an environment where lead is present should wear a facemask to prevent the inhalation of lead dust. If you have scrap lead, contact Sydney scrap lead dealers like Austick, or find one in your area. They will happily pay you top prices when they come to collect your scrap lead. It isn’t so necessary to wear a face mask when close to lead, but when it is cut or abrased, there is a risk of lead dust inhalation and you should take precautions.
Rolled Lead Sheeting
When using lead for roofing purposes, the sheets are normally rolled into a tube shape and the best way to handle these rolls is to put a bar through the interior and two people can safely lift one roll of lead sheeting. As the material is soft, it is easy to cut with a pair of special snips, which is a lot safer than cutting lead with a saw.
Working In A Ventilated Area
When working with lead, if possible, you should be in an open, well-ventilated area; however, this is not always possible. In a factory, for example, there should be extraction fans located at strategic places to remove any traces of lead dust.
Washing Your Hands
Some workers apply barrier cream before working with lead sheeting, but either way, you should always wash your hands after handling lead. Tiny slivers of this toxic material can easily be transferred from the hands to the mouth, so wash your hands before eating.
Follow The Rules

If you work with lead, your employer should provide you with special instructions about working safely with lead. Some companies will actually provide on-site training for working with lead sheeting and in some parts of the world, this is compulsory. Employers have many liabilities, especially when it comes to the health and safety of their workers and working with lead is potentially harmful.
If you happen to have scrap lead at home, you can sell it for a very good price. Simply search online for a leading scrap metal dealer who would be happy to collect your scrap lead and pay you cash for the privilege.